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August 11, 2017

Does Cosmetology School Require a GED?

Do Cosmetology Schools Require a GED or High School Diploma?

The answer depends on where you live. This is a question that we get a lot from both our Nebraska and Colorado locations, and the requirements for attending cosmetology schools are different in every state. The majority of states, including both Colorado and Nebraska, require that you receive either your high school diploma or your GED to enroll.

So first of all, what’s the difference between a high school diploma and a GED?

The difference between a high school diploma and a GED isn’t that huge, but it’s still important to know. Some states require that you have one or the other in order to go to cosmetology school, while some states require that you specifically have a high school diploma, so which one you plan on receiving is important.

High School Diploma vs. GED

A high school diploma is the document you receive for having completed your allotted four years of high school with a passing GPA. This means that you also have to have a certain percentage of attendance as well. You can find your state’s regulations on attendance and credentials for high school graduation here.

GED stands for General Educational Development. To obtain your GED you need to complete a state exam which proves that you have learned the equivalent of information you would have obtained during your high school attendance. The GED option is a good idea for anyone wanting to get into the workforce faster than the four high school years allow, or for anyone who was unable to obtain their high school diploma due to attendance or GPA deficiency. To learn more about GEDs you can read here.

Cosmetology School Requirements

Each state has different requirements when it comes to students attending cosmetology school during high school. Because it is a state regulation, cosmetology schools have to follow their guidelines, including Xenon Academy. Xenon Academy has 3 locations: one in Colorado and two in Nebraska. Both states require that a student obtain either their high school diploma or their GED, and be at least 16 years of age before enrolling.

Can’t Wait to Start Your Cosmetology Program?

We definitely understand the frustration of wanting to begin that next phase in your life. It is always recommended that you complete your high school diploma as it provides you with more experience, extra education, and gives you more time to ensure your path to success. But if you’re in need of getting your GED, here are a few tips to accomplishing that.

  • Locate your GED testing center, and set up a time to take the exam.
  • Study up in the five areas that you will be tested on: Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Math.
  • Take a practice exam online. Make sure it’s a state-verified exam.
  • You can either take your test in parts or all in one sitting (depending on where you go), but don’t get burned out. Schedule your exam to help you succeed!

There are certain colleges that offer a short program to help you prepare for your GED. If you’ve been out of high school for a while and you need help catching up, call some local universities or colleges to see if they offer any GED programs. They will help you by providing you with classes on the listed topics, letting you take practice exams, and sometimes even paying for the GED exam itself! Make sure you do your research before diving in!

Whether you are still in school, working towards your GED, or otherwise, we want our students to feel welcome at Xenon Academy! If you are a recent graduate or have recently obtained your GED, please feel free to contact us to learn more about our school and our enrollment here. To learn more information about cosmetology and esthetics in general, you can check out our programs.

Good luck with whichever path you take, and once you’re ready to enroll we look forward to helping you build a career through cosmetology and esthetics!

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